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to be a bird

by Isobel Erny
Photo by Siyan Ren on Unsplash

I’ve always been in awe of birds and their mystical nature. They are so free, yet one wrong move, they injure a wing — and bam — they no longer possess the privilege to look down from the up-above. I guess all life-forms are like this in a way, we’re gifted with this thing we call life, until one day we no longer have it, we no longer live it.

To be a bird is to be free, to have nothing and no one tying you down. Must be something; something inexplicable. No human could live to tell this tale. The tale of continually feeling free. To fly above all, to take in the world in its vastness, in its rawness. To perceive life in this way, in its simplistic yet complex nature, is something so intriguing to me.

Feeling free and at one with what is, is a phenomenon that I work to instil into my day-to-day life, but it can be hard from time to time and is often confusing.

How can you feel free when you’re a fixed entity?… When your a soul in a body, a brain in a skull?

It’s corny really, but I honestly think we’re spiritual beings living a human experience, not the other way around. All life is spiritually grounded. To live is to feel. To feel is to love. To love is to heal. And to heal is to do it all over again. Circular. Cyclical. Continual. That’s life. That’s spiritual.

Life is all around us.

It’s in the air we breathe, the water we drink, the grass we walk on. It’s in the way we wrap our arms around our loved ones as we hug them, in the tears we cry when we feel full of sorrow, in the smile that widens our faces as we see and experience joy. It’s in everything. Life is this. This is life. Life is everywhere.

When I say I want to be a bird. I don’t mean it literally but in a more metaphorical or philosophical sense. I want to exist in ways that a bird does; nothing but, nothing more.

Thank you for tuning-in.

Isobel Mae Xx

Isobel Erny
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